Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama Vs Clinton

Okay this was it. The final debate. A one on one between Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama. If you have seen, or heard about the last 11 debates, you were expecting fireworks of some sort. Not tonight. Tonight it was about the issues. This is what the skeptical Niggas would say if you pressed them on why they wouldnt vote for Barack Obama.
So lets see if he passed the NIGGA test. Issues. . .

I wont go too into detail, but there were a really only a few topics that needed to be discussed.

They both came with their A game, and I would say it was almost a draw, with Barack maybe a percentage point or two ahead. But if you take into account the Iraq war section of the debate, Barack won the debate hands down.

He had the chance to lay down his specifics. Although if NIGGAS were really interested it would be so easy to just go to his website.

So now what Niggas?
Whats your excuse?

He handled himself well, he expressed his policies in a clear manner, without being the "angry black man" READ: NIGGA, that they were trying to paint him as.

And to the Niggas that said that he isnt "Black", all you have to do is watch him for a few minutes. Listen to him for a few minutes.
But I forgot; speaking clearly, and being around white people, wearing suits, that isnt "Black".

Well for all of you skeptical Niggas who thought the "white peoples ice is colder", or you just love the Clintons for "all they've done for the African American community. (Lupe Fiasco)

Lets see what your argument is now.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Politics Anyone?


Check this out. Something to think about.
> I am practically seething with all of the black people, especially so
> called "intelligent", "educated", black people giving a million tired
> excuses of why they won't vote for Barack Obama and will vote for a Hillary Clinton:
> 1. He's not ready/He's not experienced.
> Man please. You have the top 3 Democratic candidates with 1 Senate
> term under their belt. Hillary as the First Lady as experienced? Not
> one executive decision is made being as the first lady. That's like
> Stedman recommending a book, endorsing a candidate, or having his own
> show...SO WHAT.
> 2. White America is not ready for a Black president.
> Whaaa? Was White America ready for slavery to end? Giving us the right
> to vote? Desegregation of our society? When did black people ever let
> white people dictate when and where we were getting our just due, our
> break? We've always stepped up and demanded what we wanted, or we were
> either hitting the streets and tearin' up some stuff, escapin',
> marching, or picketing. White America is ready for a Black President
> because Barack Obama is the right man for President, PERIOD.
> Besides, that never stopped anyone from voting for Jesse Jackson, a
> man with NO political experience AT ALL from almost snatching the
> Democratic nomination in 1984, and coming darn close again in 1988 20 YEARS AGO.
> 3. Barak is half black and half white, so he's not really black anyway.
> I should backsmack anyone who has ever thought that. Ever heard of the
> one drop rule? It has not only been a social standard for WHO is
> black, but it also upheld the constitution in keeping us from suing a
> white person over personal property. No black person ever refers to
> another black person as "biracial". You black. You might have another
> heritage in your lineage, but this country as well as any other sees
> you as black, PERIOD. Lame excuse people.
> 4. I don't know what issues Barack stands for.
> When the heck has that ever prevented black folk from voting for a
> black candidate, really? I guess now, but the main people saying that
> couldn't tell you anything about Hillary's or John Edwards platform
> either. Please stop fronting.
> 5. All he did was give that one speech.
> How many great people have defined their lives, the scope of human
> history, and changed the world in a speech? Moses, Jesus, Paul, Martin
> Luther, Frederick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
> Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Malcolm
> X, Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson, and Jim Valvano all
> have changed the course of history of the world and the hearts of
> billions of men and women in societies since the beginning of time with a speech.
> That is the purpose of a rally. A person speaks, and it prepares all
> to act in relation to the spirit of what is spoken. That is why we go
> to church, not to just hear our pastor blather, but to refresh God in
> our hearts and spurn us to take up God's will in our lives.
> So save all that ying yang about that speech.
> 6. If all of those white people are supporting him, he must be in
> their back pocket.
> Save the conspiracy theory home skillet. He's liked because he comes
> at a time where a person that looks exactly like them lied to their
> face (two in a row, if you include Bill Clinton with Monica and of
> course Bush with Iraq), and flat out said what no politician would
> admit: We have two Americas, blue and red, black and white. It was not
> publicly said, and on top of that proposed that we ACTUALLY DO
> something about it, not find more ways to be divided and not come
> together despite our differences. Noble concept, and one to be
> championed. That's JFK, FDR, and Abe Lincoln material. So they were
> feeling it, just like I was and you should too. His legislative work
> has been indicative of this as well, including his Fuel Standard work with President Bush. Check the resume, it shines.
> We won't be able to say, "America is racist", "I cannot get a break
> because I'm black", and all other random excuses many blacks make for
> not achieving anything in their lives.
> If a black man becomes President, I honestly believe many black people
> feel that all of the world's problems should come to an end. No more
> crack selling, no more black on black crime, no more baby mama drama
> and dead beat daddies, no more people on welfare and on the chow line,
> no more wineoes, no more police brutality, no more DWB, no more
> predatory loans, no more ghettos, no more racism period, no more
> Middle East unrest, just everybody singing cumbaya. To some degree, I
> think alot of white people, especially liberal, feel that way too, that's why they are all up on him like that.
> THAT'S RIDICULOUS. If it happened, he'd be one of the greatest people
> that ever lived, but that's way too much pressure to put on one man.
> DANG! I feel that people are really not ready for the world to get
> better anyway. It's like that father you never knew but won't make a
> relationship with because you don't want to be let down. It's unfair
> and let that go. Barak will make a great President, but he won't solve
> all of the world's problems, nor can he solve all of black peoples' problems either.
> Absolutely hate more than anything else. The above 2 reasons were
> largely a poor disadvantaged black person's inner fear about Barack.
> Many of number 2 and all of this one is specifically tailored to you
> bourgeois folks that actually like being the only black person (or one
> of a very few) in your medical school, your law school, your master's
> program, your Ph.D. program, your high fallutin' Fortune 500 Company,
> your faculty at your prestigious institution.
> You feel deep inside being a talented 10th will become a talented
> population. As much as you detest and look down at your disadvantaged
> brothers and sisters, and claim they need to "get a job", "get an
> education", "pull themselves up from their own bootstraps", and "stop
> being so ignorant", you like them where they are. You are the one that
> has that shady feeling in your belly when a new black person is hired
> because you don't want them to screw it up for you. Yeah you...I'm talkin' about you.
> You know who you are. You think deep inside, Keishas, Darnells,
> Shequans are going to get theirs now that Barak is in office, and you
> won't be so special anymore.
> See you like racism. You probably are like Clarence Thomas, the man
> that benefitted from Affirmative Action but now you got yours, nobody
> else can get in too, so you vote against Affirmative Action. Yeah,
> claim you got your opportunity on merit. No, you got it on the backs
> of our ancestors that had to fight for you to get that job. Now you
> don't want a world where everyone has an equal opportunity. Well
> actually neither do poor blacks either, see 1.
> Back in the day blacks with degrees could do nothing but shine shoes
> outside the company. Now we're in them, making decisions, even CEOs
> like my man Stanley O'Neal, the first black American to take the helm
> of a major Wall Street firm. That brother completely mismanaged the
> company, like many others who mismanaged banks and cause losing equity
> because of security back subprime loans. Now, those that are in the
> know are afraid that a black man cannot ever get that opportunity to be THE MAN at a major institution again.
> Not only that, if Barack messes it up, there will be a backlash on all
> of black America. "You guys had your chance to run the free world, and
> you blew it".
> Sorry Charlie, Barak is one man. You can't use the logic for yourself
> as far as getting ahead, but lose it for this man. George Bush
> completely botched America's standing in the world, but I don't see
> anyone afraid to elect another white man. So come off of it.
> This is so dumb, I cannot address with words, but it's the truth for
> alot of black people, who felt Bill was the first Black President, and
> sistas especially would feel like they were vindicating a woman that
> was done wrong by anotha brotha.
> Keep it real people. You hate it when anything we do gets imitated. It
> is instantly uncool. Most blacks love that we have our own thing, our
> own culture. Having Barack win means for a lot of people America will
> have more of a shared consciousness. We'll actually have to come
> together and squash some beef to make this country cooperative. I
> don't completely believe this concept, but I'm down for it. Once
> again, Black people really do like racism.
> For all of you doubters out there this is what you really need to ask
> yourselves:
> Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is
> that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be
> brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to
> be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
> And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
> That's all the brotha is trying to do. So vote for him, drop the
> excuses, and support the first viable Black Candidate. Our ancestors
> demand that we do so.
> _____

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Niggas. Today we are going to focus on a few different types of Niggas.

The first 3 or 4 posts of mine will give me a chance to set the tone of what this Blog is about, as I just kinda just rap with you all for a minute. Can I do that?

But before I do that, I want to get a few things straight.
This is not a Blog that is all about Politics, Barack Obama, nor BET, nor Hip Hop. Although, one cant help but discuss Barack on almost every post because it is "now", and one of the biggest moments in our African American history. No, this blogs focus is, and remain NIGGAS, and what we have to do as African Americans to either teach these Niggas to not be Niggas, or call these Niggas out each and every time that we see the Nigga shit for what it is. But let me be clear; I am not claiming to be a teacher of any sort. Half of you that read this will probably be much more educated than me. Maybe been more places, who knows. What I do know is Niggas, which is why I am here to join with other African Americans to openly discuss this very critical situation. I grew up in the North (New York), and the South (New Orleans). I have also lived and worked in 17cities throughout the U.S.. I have lived around Niggas, and lived around other races as well, So I have had the chance to experience Niggas from all over the map.
I believe that if we can begin to develop a constant dialogue, and make it grow, we can begin to take more pride in being an African American. The more you begin to realize that you are not a Nigga, perhaps you wont continue to walk around with the baggage that comes with us all thinking that we are Niggas.
Remember the line in School Daze when Larry Fishburne was outside of the KFC with his crew, remember what he told Samuel Jackson when they were arguing.
"Ya not NIGGAS!".
He was lying! They were NIGGAS!
They were Niggas in the truest form.
For those that didn't see the movie, there is no need for me to explain.
You know what Niggas are, and you know what Niggas do.
Mad because you want to advance.
Mad because you want to do right.
Mad because you want to speak correct English.
Mad Mad Mad.
Fuck them Niggas.
I can remember being in High School, and when it was my turn to read out loud, I would actually READ, and the entire class would erupt in laughter, as if it was a joke. Because I COULD READ!
Get the fuck outta here NIGGAS!

But let me digress.

I do understand that there are forces that have done damage to our culture, that are so deep, so strong that they have definitely set us back.
BUT OK, alright already with the fucking excuses!
We have had more than enough successful African Americans to get us to a point where we are pulling the rest of us over the wall. Not just by money. I don't need ya money.
We need social responsibility from them. And when our elite think that they have "made it" and they don't have to have any responsibility for the rest of us, well that's where the NIGGA comes out.
In Hip-Hop we have amassed a fucking fortune! We have created a genre of music that speaks DIRECTLY to the people. Not just our people, but ALL people. Is there any other thing in this world that speaks directly to people with the ability to be as honest as possible?
And look what we did with it.
We could have told the world whatever the fuck we wanted to!
They listened to anything we had to say! It didn't matter!
We had the world saying anything we wanted to.
We could have presented any image that we wanted to and the world would have went with it.
Its the beats, the confidence, the attitude that they loved. The world wanted to be down with us waayyyyy before Hip Hop though.
In the Jazz Culture people wore suits, and dressed nicer than any of the white Americans that lived during that time. They surely had the same racial problems to deal with. Actually much worse. Sure there were many that did drugs, beat their wives, cheated on them, and all the other shit that people do.
But you see, that's not "being a Nigga". All races do that. All races do drugs, all races sell drugs, horrible husbands, horrible people. That is not what being a Nigga is.
I think one way to describe it would be to be an African American who does more harm than good to the future of the African American people.
Now we can start another thread to discuss that definition as I am sure that many of you have other ideas as to what a Nigga is.

Here is an example:
A dope dealer sells drugs because he has to feed his family, and has no other alternatives. He comes up, makes a lot of paper and invests his money into legitimate businesses. Leaves the drug game behind, and pulls his crew out with him.
Then continues to make positive strides in his community by just being a good business man, and doing his thing.
I don't consider that to be a Nigga.
Now, granted there are very few of our people in the game that do it like that. And that is why most of them are referred to as NIGGAS. They get cash, to buy diamonds, cars, and other complete bullshit! Big screen TVs. Yeah that's what Black America needs!

Now you can scream on me all you want and say that they don't have an education, or there are no jobs, or they are just lost in the cycle that the "white man" created. We will talk about the cycle later.

Excuses just wont cut it in 2008 though. Information is at your fingertips and that's the bottom line.

But the most dangerous Nigga is not the average Nigga in the street with a pistol and 10 rocks in his mouth. Nooo, Nooooo!

The most dangerous Nigga is the one with the power, the ones that are out there being successful, conduct themselves on the public stage in such a manner that damages, and distorts the public perception of what we are really all about.
Now of course we all talk about how we shouldn't care about what the White man thinks of us, and believe me, I agree. Shouldn't our standards be just as high as anyone Else's?
But, 2 things:
First, I am really referring to our own people, since, when we see the successful African Americans acting like COONS, we tend to think that that is how we are, so it is cool to be that way. I am talking about the COONS who get on TV and glorify ignorance in the face of all that our people already have to deal with in this/our country.
You COONS are our biggest threat! You are the new Slave Masters!
An African American criminal may have a weapon, and kill someone, or many people. That is a bad thing, but again, that is not exclusive to our people.
What is worse? Someone who kills 10 people with a gun?
Or someone who, thru their ignorant display affects other African Americans to a point that we begin to think that this is normal behaviour for all African Americans, and then begins the never ending cycle of ignorance that is almost impossible to break?

I think you know the answer. . .

The Nigga that wants to stay ignorant, and keep everyone around them ignorant.
You know.
The one who looks at advancement with disdain.
The one who says you're talking like a "white boy" if you pronounce your words.
If you do speak correct, they will say "He ain't really Black".
If you don't wear your pants hanging off of ya ass, and dress like a "thug" (whatever the fuck that is) if you chose to put on pants and a shirt that fits; you are looked at as a cornball. Which totally wipes out any examples in the hood for kids to follow so that they can make it in this job market. They just associate that with "white". And no black man wants to be "white", whether you are a Nigga or not.
(Sorry white people, we really don't. Honestly, that comes with no disrespect, we just don't.)
Third: (I know I said 2 things)
The confused few who do want to be black. Who think that they are white.
Not because of their skin complexion. These Niggas come in all shades. Light skinned, Dark skinned, it doesn't matter.
The ones who figure, that because they do speak well, educated, and hang around mostly white people, that somehow they are "white". As if being white is being better. I know they are confused. But they have the same mentality as #2 in the sense of thinking that speaking well, and being educated "makes you less than black". They just use it in reverse, and figure that they are, in fact "less than black". Then it is these Niggas that look down at the Niggas in the hood, as if they are better! Which makes Niggas hate Niggas. Ain't that a bitch?!

With these 3 forces working against regular African Americans, the last thing we should be worried about is "the white man", or the "system".
We don't need the "system" to fix our shit.

3 Things...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I can't stand you niggas!



Your level of ingnorance has caused us in the black community much pain.
From now on we will focus and shine a light over the ignorance that you Niggas spread accross America.
Our pledge is to start a blunt dialogue about this sickness! This NIGGA sickness that is taking over our community.
This forum was created, partly because we want other Non-NIGGA African Americans to begin to talk to one another. Speak from the heart about these DUMB ASS NIGGAS, and what we can do to either get the NIGGA out of their systems, or call these NIGGAS like we see them.

I am well aware that this ignorance has a lot of factors that are outside of our control, but sorry! Its time for NIGGAS to go!

Hello to all. I hope that you are having a wonderful evening. I am writing to you as an African-American Male who has decided to devote my life (well just part of it, I got kids to feed!) to exposing, and thus defining all of the Niggas out there who are thoroughly embarrassing to the race, and to America. You Niggas who make me cringe when I think that I have to raise 2 boys in this world where Niggas roam the streets with their ignorance on their chest as if it is some type of badge of honor or something!

I want to start to talk about the Niggas in Hip-Hop who have turned what was once considered a true American Art Form into a world stage for Niggas to represent us, BLACK PEOPLE to the world. Thank you soooo much for what you do, and what you say! All praises due to Bob Johnson for giving you the medium that you needed so that you could go out there to the world and scream WE ARE NIGGAS!

With Bob Johnsons' recent comments about Barack Obama, and his UNDYING support for the ALL Mighty Hillary Clinton, Hip-Hop has truly seen its "Chickens coming home to roost moment". We made him rich! The first Black Billionaire, or some shit. And now we have a viable African American presidential candidate, and it is Good ol Bobby who is called in to try and derail Baracks' campaign.

Now watch how this works; I cant make this shit up!

Bobby Johnson starts BET and gets rich off of the backs of Black Folks making creative music, with creative shows like Teen Summit, BET news, and a balance of music and shows that allowed us the only outlet to display our culture to the world!

Once he becomes a billionaire, he pulls the rug from under us, and now the only thing that gets play on BET is ASS, FAST CASH, and IGNORANCE at its highest level. No more news, no more quality programing whatsoever.

Bob becomes a billionaire off of the good qualities about African-Americans, then turns it into a Nigga act. Only allowing the purest Niggas on his channel.

BET goes on, in my opinion to become the single most destructive force in the African American community in the last 15 yrs.
YES more than CRACK!

Now as we watch Bobby and our Cooning rappers flaunt their riches in our face, we come to a moment in history when there is finally a cause that we could put our hands on. An African-American with a REAL chance of becoming president, BET has pacified us to a point where we are completely silent during one of the most pivitol times in not only our history, but world history. Not a damn word from Hip-Hop!

No Diddy using his pull to register each and every 18 yr old in our community to vote? Sorry, he is busy shooting a video. No Jay Z packing up all of the Bentleys and Lear Jets with us so we can get the word out. Pass out flyers and shit. Right? Nah, too busy. Gotta get this paper son!

Where is Wyclef with his Guitar, strumming along on a registration tour? No fanfare needed. Just buses! Nah, he must be rehearsing right now.

Russell Simmons, surely he is out there with his millions that we gave him using it to make commercials, and T-shirts, and whatever possible to bring the community together, right?

Nah, but he did have time to go on Oprah to defend our right to call each other NIGGAS if we want. Way to go Russell! You really told em!
When are you going back on TV to argue another GREAT point that affects Black America? Can't wait!

A rapper goes to jail for buying guns, or selling dope, or whatever, and we make Free___ shirts!
A rapper comes out with an album that does nothing but glorify violence, disrespect our women, and flaunt how much money he has to the rest of us with limited money, and what do we do? Go buy it as soon as it comes out! Then play it in front of our 10 yr old kids so that they can pick up the lingo. Great!
And you dumb ass "RIOTING" niggas!

You took to the streets to burn down your own shit! Because some dumb ass high on Dust dude got his ass beat by some racist cops.

Dont get it twisted, I was as mad as anyone about it for all the rightous reasons, and no one deserved no shit like that.

But mufukas burned their own shit down!!!!!!!

So now that we have this enourmous opportunity to change world history. I havent heard a word from no one in the hood! NO ONE!!!!!!

Do you realize that we could have turned one of our biggest problems in the black community into the power to elect a president?

We have been fucking like rabbitts for over 20 yrs, having baby after baby after baby! If Bob Johnsons BET would have been the outlet that it was supposed to be, these "crack babies" (dont get mad at my reference! Its fact! there are thousands of crack babies out there!),and illigitiment kids, that we have been having would have been a strong force that if mobilized by DIDDY, JAY, and on and on, could have been the driving force that Barack needed to push him over the top to win the Presidency.

But its not just the rappers.

What about all of you big time African American Drug Dealers?

"Slinging all that krill in the hood"

Not only do you have the resources to mobilize the large army of crack heads, of all colors into a voting force.

(all the white crackheads are voting for Hillary now),

but you could have also thrown up the white flag for a few months.

Let the streets chill, so that our face isnt on the damn news everyday with killings, drug busts in the hood.

The Irish criminals in the 50's & 60's were just a much a thug, hustler, as you Niggas think you are now. They had a chance to seize power, legitamate power, and they put a mufuka in the White House! The Italians, the Jews; all at some point were the criminals of the country, and they all turned it into power!

Not us! We put Niggas records out! We keep that hot shit!

Now granted, those ethnic groups had white skin so of course there were some major advantages for them, but they turned it into a power base.

We turned it into Record companies. (that we dont even own!!)

Now some of you may ask; why is it so important that we have an African-American president? It's not like he can do anything for us anyway.

Or some may say: He is not even really black! His father is Kenyan, so its not the same.

Or here is the statement Niggas use the most: "He talks like a white man. When I see him on TV, he is always around a bunch of white folks"

But my favorite: "He aint no REAL NIGGA!"

One African American Columnist even wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

"What are we trying to "get over" here? We are trying to get over the hideous legacy of slavery and segregation. But Mr. Obama is not a part of this legacy. His father was a citizen of Kenya, an independent African country, and his mother was a "white" American. He is as distant from the real "plantation" as I am. How -- unless one thinks obsessively about color while affecting not to do so -- does this make him "black"?

A NIGGA wrote that!

I wont even address the people that subscribe to the notion that he is not "black enough".

Okay, I will.
It is people/NIGGAS like you that have kept us down for so long with that mentality.
"He thinks he is white" or "He talks like a white boy"
How do Black People talk? Please explain!
If Barack was in the car with me, and some cops pulled us over for DWB, guess what would happen to Barack. Same as me!

I have heard several reasons, but the biggest one is:
"We shouldnt vote for him just because he is Black"
Now if Barack didnt appear to be strong within his arena. If he didnt appear to be a strong black man, I would understand your hesitancy. If he perpetuated the same stereotypes that we are used to seeing, i.e.; The BET image of an African American, I would understand the pause. But we have campaigned for countless politicians who have done nothing for the "african american" community.
Here is a quote from our favorite dancing NIGGA!
Remember this COON during the Rock the Vote movement? That was 4 yrs ago!


"I met Barack Obama – but I think he has to say something. He has to mean something. No candidate can get away for their gender or for their race. I definitely am honored that a black man is running for the presidency. But I think that, to be honest, he has to do something for black people. I need to hear him say he is going to do something to change our lives – because we need our lives changed."

What the fuck does that mean?
How in the world do you think that ANY black man could POSSIBLY win a national election by speaking about helping Black folks? Do you honestly think that the rest of the country would vote for a black man who came into the campaign talking about race? Diddy you are offically on the House Nigga list!
This from a RICH NIGGA! He is a COON & a House Nigga.
Is that the official "Nigga Slogan"?
Do something for Black people?

As for the reason why we should vote for Barack Obama.


That is why I would vote for Barack!

Look, fuck the issues at this point, although you should check them out.
The biggest issue that I have is that black boys are turning into black men who have never seen a black man ruling. That have never seen a black man in power. The only images of Black men that they get to see (besides me working everyday) are rappers, athletes, and criminals. Can you imagine the power that would be generated from an image of a Strong Black Man coming out of the White House running shit? Can you imagine!!!!!!?????
Dont you know what effect it has on an individual who sees someone who looks like them achieving? It reinforces the idea that if he can do it, I can do it.
What? Am I talking to a fucking wall here? This seems to be pretty simple.
(The only thing that I can hope is that cats are not endorsing Barack because they are playing the game. They know that it would probably hurt Baracks chances if he was seen with other Black Men. If this is the case for cats like Spike Lee, Diddy, and whoever else, I applaud you!, but do something!)

Whether or not Barack Obama wins, this election has really shed some light on some of our Uncles! Uncle Toms!
So from this moment forward, I dedicate myself to calling out ALL NIGGAS, and I welcome your input. Whether you are Black, White, Yellow, Brown, whatever, I want to hear what you have to say. Save the stupid racism. No time for that, but even if you are a racist, please say how you feel. Although you may be stupid, and your reason for hating us is stupid, you may have a constructive bit of criticism, and I welcome anything that will help to excorsise the NIGGA from our community.

We are calling out House Niggas/Field Niggas and of course the COON ASS NIGGAS.

If you are one of those NIGGAS, LOOK OUT! We are putting you on blast for the world to see!