Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Niggas. Today we are going to focus on a few different types of Niggas.

The first 3 or 4 posts of mine will give me a chance to set the tone of what this Blog is about, as I just kinda just rap with you all for a minute. Can I do that?

But before I do that, I want to get a few things straight.
This is not a Blog that is all about Politics, Barack Obama, nor BET, nor Hip Hop. Although, one cant help but discuss Barack on almost every post because it is "now", and one of the biggest moments in our African American history. No, this blogs focus is, and remain NIGGAS, and what we have to do as African Americans to either teach these Niggas to not be Niggas, or call these Niggas out each and every time that we see the Nigga shit for what it is. But let me be clear; I am not claiming to be a teacher of any sort. Half of you that read this will probably be much more educated than me. Maybe been more places, who knows. What I do know is Niggas, which is why I am here to join with other African Americans to openly discuss this very critical situation. I grew up in the North (New York), and the South (New Orleans). I have also lived and worked in 17cities throughout the U.S.. I have lived around Niggas, and lived around other races as well, So I have had the chance to experience Niggas from all over the map.
I believe that if we can begin to develop a constant dialogue, and make it grow, we can begin to take more pride in being an African American. The more you begin to realize that you are not a Nigga, perhaps you wont continue to walk around with the baggage that comes with us all thinking that we are Niggas.
Remember the line in School Daze when Larry Fishburne was outside of the KFC with his crew, remember what he told Samuel Jackson when they were arguing.
"Ya not NIGGAS!".
He was lying! They were NIGGAS!
They were Niggas in the truest form.
For those that didn't see the movie, there is no need for me to explain.
You know what Niggas are, and you know what Niggas do.
Mad because you want to advance.
Mad because you want to do right.
Mad because you want to speak correct English.
Mad Mad Mad.
Fuck them Niggas.
I can remember being in High School, and when it was my turn to read out loud, I would actually READ, and the entire class would erupt in laughter, as if it was a joke. Because I COULD READ!
Get the fuck outta here NIGGAS!

But let me digress.

I do understand that there are forces that have done damage to our culture, that are so deep, so strong that they have definitely set us back.
BUT OK, alright already with the fucking excuses!
We have had more than enough successful African Americans to get us to a point where we are pulling the rest of us over the wall. Not just by money. I don't need ya money.
We need social responsibility from them. And when our elite think that they have "made it" and they don't have to have any responsibility for the rest of us, well that's where the NIGGA comes out.
In Hip-Hop we have amassed a fucking fortune! We have created a genre of music that speaks DIRECTLY to the people. Not just our people, but ALL people. Is there any other thing in this world that speaks directly to people with the ability to be as honest as possible?
And look what we did with it.
We could have told the world whatever the fuck we wanted to!
They listened to anything we had to say! It didn't matter!
We had the world saying anything we wanted to.
We could have presented any image that we wanted to and the world would have went with it.
Its the beats, the confidence, the attitude that they loved. The world wanted to be down with us waayyyyy before Hip Hop though.
In the Jazz Culture people wore suits, and dressed nicer than any of the white Americans that lived during that time. They surely had the same racial problems to deal with. Actually much worse. Sure there were many that did drugs, beat their wives, cheated on them, and all the other shit that people do.
But you see, that's not "being a Nigga". All races do that. All races do drugs, all races sell drugs, horrible husbands, horrible people. That is not what being a Nigga is.
I think one way to describe it would be to be an African American who does more harm than good to the future of the African American people.
Now we can start another thread to discuss that definition as I am sure that many of you have other ideas as to what a Nigga is.

Here is an example:
A dope dealer sells drugs because he has to feed his family, and has no other alternatives. He comes up, makes a lot of paper and invests his money into legitimate businesses. Leaves the drug game behind, and pulls his crew out with him.
Then continues to make positive strides in his community by just being a good business man, and doing his thing.
I don't consider that to be a Nigga.
Now, granted there are very few of our people in the game that do it like that. And that is why most of them are referred to as NIGGAS. They get cash, to buy diamonds, cars, and other complete bullshit! Big screen TVs. Yeah that's what Black America needs!

Now you can scream on me all you want and say that they don't have an education, or there are no jobs, or they are just lost in the cycle that the "white man" created. We will talk about the cycle later.

Excuses just wont cut it in 2008 though. Information is at your fingertips and that's the bottom line.

But the most dangerous Nigga is not the average Nigga in the street with a pistol and 10 rocks in his mouth. Nooo, Nooooo!

The most dangerous Nigga is the one with the power, the ones that are out there being successful, conduct themselves on the public stage in such a manner that damages, and distorts the public perception of what we are really all about.
Now of course we all talk about how we shouldn't care about what the White man thinks of us, and believe me, I agree. Shouldn't our standards be just as high as anyone Else's?
But, 2 things:
First, I am really referring to our own people, since, when we see the successful African Americans acting like COONS, we tend to think that that is how we are, so it is cool to be that way. I am talking about the COONS who get on TV and glorify ignorance in the face of all that our people already have to deal with in this/our country.
You COONS are our biggest threat! You are the new Slave Masters!
An African American criminal may have a weapon, and kill someone, or many people. That is a bad thing, but again, that is not exclusive to our people.
What is worse? Someone who kills 10 people with a gun?
Or someone who, thru their ignorant display affects other African Americans to a point that we begin to think that this is normal behaviour for all African Americans, and then begins the never ending cycle of ignorance that is almost impossible to break?

I think you know the answer. . .

The Nigga that wants to stay ignorant, and keep everyone around them ignorant.
You know.
The one who looks at advancement with disdain.
The one who says you're talking like a "white boy" if you pronounce your words.
If you do speak correct, they will say "He ain't really Black".
If you don't wear your pants hanging off of ya ass, and dress like a "thug" (whatever the fuck that is) if you chose to put on pants and a shirt that fits; you are looked at as a cornball. Which totally wipes out any examples in the hood for kids to follow so that they can make it in this job market. They just associate that with "white". And no black man wants to be "white", whether you are a Nigga or not.
(Sorry white people, we really don't. Honestly, that comes with no disrespect, we just don't.)
Third: (I know I said 2 things)
The confused few who do want to be black. Who think that they are white.
Not because of their skin complexion. These Niggas come in all shades. Light skinned, Dark skinned, it doesn't matter.
The ones who figure, that because they do speak well, educated, and hang around mostly white people, that somehow they are "white". As if being white is being better. I know they are confused. But they have the same mentality as #2 in the sense of thinking that speaking well, and being educated "makes you less than black". They just use it in reverse, and figure that they are, in fact "less than black". Then it is these Niggas that look down at the Niggas in the hood, as if they are better! Which makes Niggas hate Niggas. Ain't that a bitch?!

With these 3 forces working against regular African Americans, the last thing we should be worried about is "the white man", or the "system".
We don't need the "system" to fix our shit.

3 Things...


Anonymous said...

u bitch!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, eventually it'll catch on. Go hard on these "Niggas" because if it don't end I'm joining the "KKK" in hopes to be the 1st black grand wizard. I'm sick of these niggas!!!

Anonymous said...

thats right, the white man isn't following me down the block at night. Just found your blog but I will keep checking for you brothers. I can see the pixie dancin.

Anomaly said...

Yeah Niggas definetly be wiling and be trying to blame others for thier problems.