Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama Vs Clinton

Okay this was it. The final debate. A one on one between Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama. If you have seen, or heard about the last 11 debates, you were expecting fireworks of some sort. Not tonight. Tonight it was about the issues. This is what the skeptical Niggas would say if you pressed them on why they wouldnt vote for Barack Obama.
So lets see if he passed the NIGGA test. Issues. . .

I wont go too into detail, but there were a really only a few topics that needed to be discussed.

They both came with their A game, and I would say it was almost a draw, with Barack maybe a percentage point or two ahead. But if you take into account the Iraq war section of the debate, Barack won the debate hands down.

He had the chance to lay down his specifics. Although if NIGGAS were really interested it would be so easy to just go to his website.

So now what Niggas?
Whats your excuse?

He handled himself well, he expressed his policies in a clear manner, without being the "angry black man" READ: NIGGA, that they were trying to paint him as.

And to the Niggas that said that he isnt "Black", all you have to do is watch him for a few minutes. Listen to him for a few minutes.
But I forgot; speaking clearly, and being around white people, wearing suits, that isnt "Black".

Well for all of you skeptical Niggas who thought the "white peoples ice is colder", or you just love the Clintons for "all they've done for the African American community. (Lupe Fiasco)

Lets see what your argument is now.

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